
It is important to remember that this program is not a substitute for a trained counsellor and cannot provide crisis or emergency assistance. If you are experiencing problems with your mood, or significant distress we urge you to see your GP right away.

If you are feeling suicidal, or need to speak with someone urgently, we urge you to use the following organisations for immediate assistance:

Both of these organisations also offer online support and counselling, so please access their websites if you prefer this option. You can always come back to the DEAL Program when you are able.

Local help lines for other parts of the world are listed at befrienders.org.

If you are concerned about feelings or thoughts of suicide, a 24-hour service is available to help. The website for more information is http://www.suicidecallbackservice.org.au/ or PH: 1300 659 467. This organisation also provides a call back service, offering crisis counselling to people at risk of suicide, carers for someone who is suicidal, and those bereaved by suicide.